

I have a feeling that those of you who have to deal with a professional dress code at work will probably find some relief in & will relate to this weeks post! Being tied to a corporate dress code every Monday through Friday usually has me itching to get into my more casual attire by the time the weekend rolls around. To me, nothing makes a casual look better than a great pair of jeans and the perfect tee!

I had the opportunity to see the new collection for the Tapered Collection in person a couple of weeks back. For those of you who are not familiar with this brand, it is an amazing collection of tees that are as well made as they are comfortable and flattering. Seriously...the tee I am wearing in this week's post is so soft, fits extremely well, and I must admit that I have been wearing it more than I probably should!

Check out this tee as well as the rest of the collection (there is a new dress that I have my eye on as well!) at the Tapered Collection!!!

Now that you all will have the perfect tee from the Tapered Collection, we can focus on what else will elevate your casual weekend look....a great pair of jeans! The pair I am wearing are a score from a random San Francisco boutique, so unfortunately I cannot tell you where to get the exact ones. Don't worry though! I have scoured the internet, as it is one of my favorite things to do, and I found a bunch of awesome jeans for you all to shop below! I don't know about you, but if I am wearing a simple tee, I love to have a cool pair of jeans to really make my look stand out. I have been loving the cropped flared jeans trend, which you will see below based on some of my picks!

Lastly, I've got a little bonus for all of you! In order to complete any look, you need your accessories. One accessory that I cannot leave the house without is a pair of sunglasses. No matter the weather, I always make sure to have a pair with me (not kidding....I wear them even if it is raining!). If you really want to add to your look, try mixing in a pop of color with your shades! The pair I am wearing are by REKS Optics. REKS makes all of their sunglasses "unbreakable", so you can throw them in your bag and not have to worry about damaging them. Add in the fact that they are all super cute and come in so many different colors and styles!

Go see for yourself what REKS Optics has to offer! If you see anything you like (which I guarantee you will) be sure to use my code SIXFEETINHEELS for a special offer!!

Shop This Look!!

You can shop this outfit by clicking on the photos below! 

Make sure to check out the Tapered Collection & REKS Optics at the links below as well!

Tapered Collection

REKS Optics